What a difference time makes...

This past weekend I decided to spend much of a very dreary Saturday watching my favourite movies. Amongst those I chose to rewatch was "Shirley Valentine." I love Pauline Collins. I remember her from "No, Honestly" back in the day. And since then I have enjoyed seeing her in other offerings, most recently in the wonderful Dustin Hoffman directed film, "Quartet". There she shared the screen with two of my other favourite people - Dame Maggie Smith and Sir Billy Connolly. What a treasure. I was struck by how differently I reacted to the film this time. Last time I watched it, the character of Shirley was 42; I was about that age, too. It is still poignant and sweet and lovely and speaks so much truth about what so many women feel as they reach the midpoint of their lives. But the first time I saw it, I bawled my eyes out when Shirley uttered these words: "I have allowed myself to lead this little life, when inside me there was so much more. And it'...